Die Vogelberingungsstation der St. Martins Therme & Lodge im östlichsten Österreich wurde im Mai 2015 gestartet. Sie ist als ganzjährige Station ausgelegt, deren Schwerpunkt zur Brutsaison auf Populationsmonitoring von Singvögeln (IMS) liegt. Wir fangen mit 84 m Japannetzen in einem Feldgehölz inmitten intensiv genutzter Ackerlandschaft, im Gemeindegebiet von Frauenkirchen (Burgenland). Neben dem wissenschaftlichen Auftrag verstehen wir uns auch als ökopädagogische Einrichtung: Besuchen Sie die Beringungsstation der St. Martins Therme & Lodge im Rahmen einer geführten Tour.
The bird ringing station nearby the St. Martins Spa &
Lodge in far eastern Austria was started in May 2015. It was designed as a year-round constant effort site with 84 m of mist nets to monitor bird population dynamics, breeding success of
resident songbirds, phenology of migrants and changes in species composition in a thicket within intensive agricultural landscape.
The station can be visited exclusively as part of St. Martins' guided nature tours.
Besuchen Sie die Beringungsstation der
St. Martins Therme & Lodge im Rahmen einer geführten
We had to switch ringing site and moved 400 m to the west, into slightly more open habitat.
64 species of birds have been ringed since the first day of ringing (4 May 2015)
First captures
Between 11 March and 29 December 2017, 701 birds of 45 species were trapped for the first time.
Blackbird (3), White Wagtail (2), Penduline Tit (3), Blue Tit (197), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1), Common Whitethroat (6), Tree Sparrow (153), Willow Warbler
(2), Common Redstart (1), Icterine Warbler (3), Serin (1), Greenfinch (28), Black Redstart (1), Dunnock (7), Hawfinch (8), Lapwing (3), Lesser Whitethroat (3), Great
Tit (49), Blackcap (9), House Martin (1), Common Nightingale (2), Hooded Crow (1), Red-backed Shrike (14), Barn Swallow (12), Reed Bunting (29), Savi's
Warbler (1), Robin (23), Yellow Wagtail (9), Sedge Warbler (32), Long-tailed Tit (4), Stonechat (3), Song Thrush (8), Starling (9), Goldfinch (9), Marsh Warbler
(2), Coal Tit (2), Common Reed Warbler (18), Pied Flycatcher 3, Kestrel (4), Fieldfare (7), Long-eared Owl (6), Wren (3), Chiffchaff (11)
The day with the most captures was 27 October with 87 birds out of 6 species (66 Blue Tit, 8 Great Tit, 8 Tree Sparrow, 3 Goldfinch, 1 Robin, 1 Song Thrush) trapped.
94 birds from 12 species were retrapped.
The most common retrapped species were: Blue Tit (41), Great Tit (22), Tree Sparrow (9), Great Reed Warbler (6), Sedge Warbler (5)
54 species of birds have been ringed since the first day of ringing (4 May 2015)
First captures
Between 1 January and 29 December 2016, 739 birds of 47 species were trapped for the first time.
The ten most common species trapped were: Blackcap (141), Tree Sparrow (127), Robin (69), Chiffchaff (61), Blue Tit (43), Great Tit (30), Garden Warbler (23), Long-tailed Tit (23), Icterine
Warbler (19) and Red-backed Shrike (19).
The day with the most captures was 23 October with 89 birds out of 13 species (25 Robin, 20 Long-tailed Tit, 16 Goldcrest) trapped.
186 birds were retrapped.
The most common retrapped species were: Great Tit (48), Blackcap (48), Long-tailed Tit (21), Blue Tit (17), Nightingale (9), Chiffchaff (8) and Icterine Warbler (8).
First captures
Between 4 May and 29 December 2015, 638 birds of 38 species were trapped for the first time.
The ten most common species trapped were: Blackcap (127), Blue Tit (94), Great Tit (72), Garden Warbler (38), Icterine Warbler (29), Robin (26), Siskin (21), Chiffchaff (20), Nightingale (13) and
Long-tailed Tit (13).
The day with the most captures was 18 October with 140 birds out of 14 species (42 Blue Tits, 30 Great Tits, 21 Siskin) trapped.
157 birds were trapped at least for a second time.
The most common retrapped species were: Great Tit (59), Blackcap (27), Long-tailed Tit (20), Blue Tit (19), Icterine Warbler (8) and Nightingale (7).
First-year female Great Tit C2L3748 was ringed on 15 June and retrapped six times (21.06., 05.07., 28.10., 18.11., 07.12. & 29.12.).
Thanks to the many helpers for a great ringing year!
M. Adrion, F. Bittermann, I. Denk, K. Friedrich, L.-M. Hanghofer, S. Hoffmann, B. Knes, B. Kofler, M. Kriegl, E. Lauber, M. Lessel, I. Maggini, C. Nagl, D. Reutterer, C. Roland, E. Schmelzer, K.
Steinbauer, M. Suanjak, B. Wittmann